Monday, 13 February 2012

The last night in my apartment

With four nights left in Australia for 2012 I'm finally feeling organised. The apartment is packed already, although I may have peaked a bit too early. It's only Monday and the removalists don't arrive until Wednesday morning. But I didn't want to leave things til the last minute, so I'm living amongst boxes and plastic creates.

Tomorrow I need to pack up my bed and get all the linen washed and packed. I'm moving across the road tomorrow arvo to a self contained apartment - it will be my first night living out of my NVB (not very big) pack.

Speaking of the pack, the trial pack was a farce! I repacked today and couldn't fit everything in. Admittedly I had added a few bits and pieces which I assumed would be fine. Oh how wrong was I. I've since pared back the clothes and other stuff, rolled things a bit tighter and generally made everything fit into the NVB pack. I'm sure I'll be feeling smug with my NVB pack when I encounter other vagabonds struggling with oversized packs on their backs, but today it nearly did me in.

I've ticked everything off my to do list, am lunching lots and only have one MORE visit to the dentist to go. Yes, that's right - my planned one visit to the dentist has turned into three. Today's visit was a clean. I've obviously now got very clean, $200 clean teeth. Dentists need to realize that soon to be vagabonds haven't got an extravagant dental budget. Tomorrow I am visiting the dentist for the third and final time. I'm going to be the proud owner of a filling. I can't wait to find out how much I pay for that privilege!


  1. You should post pics of yourself wearing all your outfits and have a poll on what you should pack.

  2. Thanks for the idea but the removalists arrive in less than 12 hours so I'm stuck with what I managed to fit in the NVB pack. I've moved to a self contained apartment across the road so am now living out of my pack - but it was a bit too full so I'm taking a small bag of things back home before the removalists arrive. If I change my mind on taking anything else I'll have to donate it to the local street people!
