Old Delhi, there's nowhere like it!

After a morning of walking the hectic and chaotic streets of old Delhi I raced back to the hotel to wash off the Delhi dust, buy snacks and head to the station for a 19 hour overnight trip to Jaisalmer .

After a chilly night (some of us assumed the train would be hot!) and a few mice encounters I arrived in the beautiful and serene city of Jaisalmer. The hilltop fort dominates the town and it was within the fort area where I am staying at Deepak Rest House for 3 night.

The town has lots of winding streets to explore with amazing little shops selling all sorts of treasures. we all bought 'desert outfits' so we would look the part on our camels, dressed in saris and had henna tattoos - in a little shop with quite a few rats (I must say I remained surprisingly calm!)

I found a pool in a fancy hotel and had the best swim of my life!

We loaded our day packs, mounted our camels and rode for 2 hours into the desert dunes. With somewhat sore butts we arrived at our home for the night. After the obligatory chai on arrival (drunk perched on the top of a sand dune to watch the sun set) we set up our beds, found our newly purchased instruments (we weren't very good), lit a camp fire and opened the rum. It was such great fun and I had an amazing sleep under the stars.

A quick change at the hotel when we got back then it was on to the local bus for a 6 hour drive to Jodphur. I loved the local bus, but boy Indians are loud. I was quite excited that I found earplugs in my pack after my iPod went flat.
Dinner that night was on a rooftop restaurant overlooking the town. I was starting to feel quite awful so had an early night. I can't tell you much about Jodphur as the next day I only went as far as just outside my hotel door. Delhi belly had hit, but I had quite a cozy day in my room - and I caught up on all my laundry!

Rather than take the local bus to Udiapur we decided to hire a couple of jeeps for the 8 hour trip so we could check out some sites on the way. OMG the drivers in this country are crazy. Picture sitting in a small jeep, overtaking a line of 3 trucks with another couple of trucks heading towards you. Somehow we managed to make it in one piece. But I have all decided that local buses or trains are by far the best modes of transport!
- Posted from somewhere round the world...

After a morning of walking the hectic and chaotic streets of old Delhi I raced back to the hotel to wash off the Delhi dust, buy snacks and head to the station for a 19 hour overnight trip to Jaisalmer .

After a chilly night (some of us assumed the train would be hot!) and a few mice encounters I arrived in the beautiful and serene city of Jaisalmer. The hilltop fort dominates the town and it was within the fort area where I am staying at Deepak Rest House for 3 night.

The town has lots of winding streets to explore with amazing little shops selling all sorts of treasures. we all bought 'desert outfits' so we would look the part on our camels, dressed in saris and had henna tattoos - in a little shop with quite a few rats (I must say I remained surprisingly calm!)

I found a pool in a fancy hotel and had the best swim of my life!

We loaded our day packs, mounted our camels and rode for 2 hours into the desert dunes. With somewhat sore butts we arrived at our home for the night. After the obligatory chai on arrival (drunk perched on the top of a sand dune to watch the sun set) we set up our beds, found our newly purchased instruments (we weren't very good), lit a camp fire and opened the rum. It was such great fun and I had an amazing sleep under the stars.

A quick change at the hotel when we got back then it was on to the local bus for a 6 hour drive to Jodphur. I loved the local bus, but boy Indians are loud. I was quite excited that I found earplugs in my pack after my iPod went flat.
Dinner that night was on a rooftop restaurant overlooking the town. I was starting to feel quite awful so had an early night. I can't tell you much about Jodphur as the next day I only went as far as just outside my hotel door. Delhi belly had hit, but I had quite a cozy day in my room - and I caught up on all my laundry!

Rather than take the local bus to Udiapur we decided to hire a couple of jeeps for the 8 hour trip so we could check out some sites on the way. OMG the drivers in this country are crazy. Picture sitting in a small jeep, overtaking a line of 3 trucks with another couple of trucks heading towards you. Somehow we managed to make it in one piece. But I have all decided that local buses or trains are by far the best modes of transport!
- Posted from somewhere round the world...
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