Tuesday, 16 October 2012

From Vienna to Velden

Vienna is fancy, there's no two ways about it. But the home of some of the worlds best classical musicians isn't stuffy at all, it is just plain elegant.

I hadn't done much research on Austria, I hadn't even brought a guide book. I was rocking up to this country to hang out with my friends. My knowledge was limited to a few musos like Mozart and some cool scenery ah la Julie Andrews in a sound of music. So I was more than impressed driving over the Danube into the heart of the city to see such an amazing place.

The buildings are decorative. And I'm not talking about a few fancy bits and bobs, I'm talking statues on rooftops, lining the tops of buildings .... everything is beautiful.

(I´ve included way too many pics, but I couldn´t help it)

One of the most impressive places I visited was the cathedral. Its soaring spires and decorative facade were very cool. For those of you who read my facebook posts you would know about this, but anyways .... I was standing outside the cathedral admiring the amazing architecture when a well dressed dude joined me for a ciggie. He explained that all the little men running about in navy velvet jackets and bow ties were part of a 150 man choir, and they were about to enter the cathedral to belt out a tune or two. Liking a singalong, I headed on in.

The interior of the cathedral was breath taking. I finally stopped gawking and pulled up a pew near the soaring pipe organ. In filed the choir and the organist started playing. As the choir started to sing i got goose bumps, such a magnificent sound. Then i got the shock of my life. My cigarette smoking buddy was the guest soloist, with the voice of an angel. He led the choir on a few hymns then sang the most amazing rendition of 'How Great Thou Art'. I had tears rolling down my cheeks and a big smile of my face. Unbelievable.

The cheeky git winked at me on his way out ... he sure fooled me.

I cruised around the city checking out official buildings, palaces and museums. And I might have tried a world famous torte.

Then Kristen and I jumped on a train, we were off to the other end of the country for a few days in Velden. I was so surprised at how beautiful the countryside was as our train wound its way south.

My friend Andre met us at the station and took us on a mini tour, then I got to check out his Harley, although I didnt actually ride it. We had landed in a picture postcard town. Mmmm I never knew such amazing places existed.

Velden is a summer resort town but it was late enough in the season for the crowds to have disappeared. Kristen and I had ourselves a beverage or two overlooking the lake before we prepared ourselves for a meal of a lifetime at Andre's restaurant. Food porn is the only way to describe it!

And I got to play in the kitchen ... probably a little bit dangerous really!

After recovering from an over indulgence of food, and ah and maybe a little too much Austrian wine, we spent the day cruising on the lake, stopping in some cute little towns. The sun was shining and all was perfect with the world.

Such an amazing place ... I hope I get back there again one day.

Vienna pics (click pic to go to the album)

Velden pics (click pic to go to the album)
Austria - Velden


1 comment:

  1. Vienna is also the location of several John Irving books, like Hotel New Hampshire and Setting Free the Bears - probs a good thing you didn't break any animals out of the zoo though!

    It all looks very pretty.
